The twelve years I spent training blind Anne Cecilie Orefrom the Norwegian Para team gave me a lot of inspiration.
She learned a lot from me, but I am sure I learned just as much from her through us working together every day.
For her and many of her fellow competitors nothing is impossible – it is only a matter of seeing the callings.
In my teaching, I start off with what is presented and then like to work together with horse and pupil for the goals we
both think we can achieve. Results take time to produce and naturally some things will need more time. Most important is that you are all having fun on the way.
Through all the years of working with Anne Cecilie, I have got to know many lovely people within the Parasport. They all have their issues that they work on and it has been a lot of learning in it for me also. We went to three World Championships and to the Paralympics in London, where sadly Ballantine our horse went lame.
In 2014 I went to the World Games in Caen, France with Ballantine. Vera Lucia Mazzilli bought him from me there and competed on him for Brazil. I spent three week outthere together with the team and again learned a lot. Two years later they represented their country at the Paralympics in Rio. Ballantine was a lovely horse.